Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things never to say to a military wife

There are a lot things that people say that are beyond irritating. I am sure that its true or close to true with any military wife. Here are some things I would recommend a non military family person not ask or say.

"Oh my gosh, I miss my husband so much. He has been gone two days and isn't coming home for three more days." This one to me almost always has one of two effects. I either get upset or laugh. Anytime apart that is less than a month is what I consider short. I really don't even think of it or make a big deal of it anymore. So a little five day stint apart to me is nothing to be crying over.

"I never see my husband." If you mean you never see your husband because he works an 8 hour/day job all I can say is boo hoo. Most people in the military have to be on base and at work by 6:00am so with travel time most leave during the five o'clock hour. Most days these guys don't get home til 6:00pm on a good day. There have been more days for us that my husband has come home closer to 9:00pm or not at all at the last minute.

"Aren't you bored?" Stupid question. Of course we are bored. A lot times wives have a hard time getting jobs because of how long they will be in the area. In two of the three places we have lived in the last couple of years I was told by people that they wouldn't hire me because of how quickly I would be moving. <----Totally understandable but it still sucks.

"Where is your husband at?" If I haven't told you then its one of two things; either A, I can't tell you or B, I have no clue where he is at.

"Don't you miss your family?" Do you really need to ask? Yes, of course I miss my family.

All I am trying to get across with this post is that life can be hard for a military wife and it only makes it harder when people ask certain questions without thinking. I understand that for some people five days or even one day apart can be hard but honestly it is hard for me to find empathy for you if you make a big deal out of it. I try not to take offense to things said in peoples statuses on facebook because they aren't said to me directly. When they are though I kind of just have to roll my eyes.

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