Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Translation Error

Obviously English and Japanese languages have some major difference. In Japanese they use three different forms of writing, Kanji character, Hiragana and Katakana and all three make up what is their written language. Good morning in Japanese looks like: おはよう.Other than how things are written, there are a lot of words that simply do not exist in the other language. Hello, for one, is not in the Japanese vernacular. I will not begin to say that I can read even more than a couple of these words but knowing how different these two languages are may help to explain the inevitable translation errors that so commonly occur.

One that I noticed right away was a sign all Americans should easily be able to identify... 7-11

Here it is Seven&i holdings. Not sure how they got that but hey, it happens.

Another is in this product name...Cream Collon anyone? Yes, I know colon is with one L but it is close enough to get a pretty gnarly mental image going.

Here is another one that I am sure tastes better than is sounds.

Below is a drink that is really, really good! But the name got me to stay away from it for about a month. It is pronounced Cow Piss...sounds yummy.

I will keep posting them as I find them.

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