Friday, October 22, 2010

Creepy Crawlies

Bugs are defiantly bigger out here. Every time we see one we freak the heck out. Everything looks like it has escaped from a nuclear reactor. Here are some of the things we have seen so far.

The Japanese Hornet....YES IT IS REAL. We did not take this picture but I wanted to post this one so you can see the actual size of these beasts. Brett has seen one flying around in person. One hornet can literally wipe out 1000s of honey bees.
 Devouring their prey
 A winged ant. The little tanks are a force to be reckoned with.
Jumbo woodland spiders are EVERYWHERE! Seriously you cannot walk around anywhere and not find a web with the spider and all his spider lady friends somewhere close. I took this picture right outside our building. GROSS!


  1. I love reading all of your adventures and hearing all about Japan! It's so interesting! The food looks incredible, but those bugs... UGH!

  2. Thanks Kellie! These bugs are super scary but really neat to see as long as they dont get too close to me lol
